Friday, January 05, 2007

My own wish list

For 2007, I wish... one would talk about Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Brittany Spears, or anyone without talent who has become a "celebrity" because they go out to clubs after midnight and get drunk.

...the middle east would calm down.

...gas prices would go back to $1.50 (remember when we were pissed about that?)

...left wing liberals and right wing hard-asses would stop running each political party.

...the clock would strike 12, and Cindy Sheehan's 15 minutes would be up.

...teenagers would realize that hip-hop music is disruptive and at times destructive. No one ever committed murder after attending an Aerosmith concert. Too stoned, most likely.

...MTV would go back to showing videos. If not, drop the TV and just call yourself "M".

...Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson would appear on TV and tell the black community - in particular, young black males - that they need to get off the schnide and start assuming responsibility for their own actions.

...PETA would drop their stance on medical research using animals, and cures will start popping up.

...judges would sentence murderer's, rapists, and child molesters to jail time.

...Michael Jackson would stay in Abu Dabi or wherever he currently lives.

...defense lawyers would get a Webster's and look up the term "justice" before they get their client off from his 15th "assault with a deadly weapon" charge.

...the President would end the Iraq mess. Escalate it if you have to; de-escalate it if that's the answer. Either way, shut down the bad guys and get outta there.

...Rosie O'Donnell would get a 5 month long case of laryngitis

...there were no more info-mercials, especially those with the bearded "OxyClean" guy...or the creepy ones where the dude is talking about good bowel movements and the joys of a soft yet solid feces.

...the children were all fed, educated, and happy.

...parents would start parenting. No, no, no, it's not the schools fault. isn't!

...the new Congress would pass an ethics bill that they would then obey.

...everything I just said would come true, but of course I chose things that probably won't.


Scary Monster said...

Amen! Can me get a witness!

Methinks that the list could be expanded with a lot more things, but Me will add one:
...that all students earn the right to progress to the next level of education by proving that they have gained the knowlege expected of them.


JL4 said...

yes, there are many more, and yours is well-taken