Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Near Miss

July 2nd, 2006.

The Asteroid 2004 XP-14 whizzed by the Earth Saturday in what has been described as a "galactic near miss".

2004 XP-14 is 800 meters wide, or approximately the size of Roseanne Barr's backside, and is potentially lethal to the human is the asteroid by the way.

It flew past the Earth at a distance of 433,000 kilometers, which means no one in the United States has any idea at all how far that is. Hell, we still haven't figured out the liter thing with a bottle of Coke, and now some British guy is telling us the asteroid came X-amount of Kilometers from causing doomsday.

It was fun reading about the thing though, and how the only people in the world aware of this were the cosmos folks and a bunch of nerds in their basements who took time out from designing internet worms long enough to track the thing for a coupla days.

Hearing anything about asteroids always conjures up images of a near 50 Bruce Willis falling in love with Steven Tyler's 20-something daughter...only Hollywood could convince us that's a good couple.

In closing, I do believe the time has come for us to re-look the language again. I think it makes perfect sense to call Celestial bodies hurtling through space "Terror-Roids", and hemorrhoids should forever be called asteroids.

That's my take, anyways.


leelee said...

perhaps the REAL mission the Discovery was launched into space was to continue fighting the ongoing war on Terror-roids with THIS GUY!

JL4 said...

could be...could be