Thursday, December 07, 2006


Sean, at tagged me.

This is the deal: "According to the rules, each player of this game starts with the title "Six Weird Things About Me." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own six weird things and state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, 'You are tagged!' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"

I don't have 6 people that read my lame blog, so I can only tag 2. In any case, here are my six weird things about me.

1) I have some sort of bionic nose. I can smell things that no one can smell. This is not a pleasant trait, as you may well have figured out. I can tell if a woman is experiencing that "time of the month", or if someone forgot to use deodorant, etc. Here is the worst part. What can you do with this "skill"? That's correct...nothing. No one wants a drug-sniffing man, that's a job for dogs. What do you say in an interview? Can I type? Pretty well, but just wait until you see me sniff! Methinks that won't go over well.

2) I have a thing for women in glasses or those who look like a "mom". You can have Britney Spears; give me Patricia Richardson from "Home Improvement" or Talia Shire from the original "Rocky" any day of the week.

3) I lie to myself every single day. I like to envision myself as an open-minded moderate, then I go back the following day and read what I've written and realize what a hard-ass conservative I really am. So I learn from this, right? Nope. I still think I'm a moderate.

4) I am uncomfortable in large crowds; uncomfortable at parties. But put me in an environment with only 2 or 3 people, I'm as outrageous and forthcoming as anyone. Put me in a large group setting, and you'll never know I'm there.

5) I actually like some songs by Barry Manilow and Michael Bolton, and I have them on my MP3. Jeesh! Did I just admit to that?

6) I forgot 6. If I see a lampshade matter who's home it is in...I have to straighten it. I've tried to ignore this, but I can't tell you how many times I've risen out of bed because I knew the shade in the living room was tilted...I know, I know...OCD

Okay...I'm tagging and

These are the only ones besides Sean who read my crap.


leelee said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh...thanks for I can do that...cya in the funny pages..



Just be YOU JL4!!

leelee said...
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leelee said...

sorry for the double...delete one of these..gosh I hate this beta blogger

JL4 said...

Don't know how...don't know what Beta is either...

I do know the "h" key is between the "j" and "g", but that's the extent of it

leelee said...

no problemo...