Sunday, October 14, 2007


I turned 50 today...kinda feels like one day more than 49, to be honest.

As the clock struck midnight last night/this morning, I was in the middle of my October-Red Sox-Screw it -I'll sleep in November-Mode, as the Sox were in Game 2 of the American League Championship Series, and of course they were tied 6-6 and giving me fits because they couldn't find a way to put this game to bed - which of course would have succeeded in putting me to bed as well; a fact that didn't happen until 1:40 am when the game - and a Red Sox loss - mercifully came to an end.

So here I am...50 and feeling not-too-much-different than I did 10 years ago...and I...

....Awwww darn it, I just pooped my pants! That's the second time today as a matter of fact.

Sorry, gotta go clean up.


Mayden' s Voyage said...

Sorry the Red Sox lost- I fell asleep with the game on-
only to miss Alex!!! :(
I'll do better tomorrow night~

Happy b-day to you- and many, many more :)

Karen said...

Happy Birthday.

leelee said...

Awwww don't worry about the number 50...but that poop...well you might want to worry about that a little...

Happy birthday just the same :-)