Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's here!!! It's here!!!

Uber Geeks unite!!!

It's finally here. No longer do you have to watch 1960's Star Trek episodes drooling over Uhura's super high tech digital communication device. You too can now own your dream, and at 50% off at that!

Yes, you'll be the envy of all your friends at the next convention. Imagine if you will, all those years of hanging out at the mall, living with your parents until you were 39, and never having a girl-friend outside of the 976 area code have now finally cashed in for you with the excitement of your own working earpiece cell phone. Models come with blinking red or blue lights (your choice), to let everyone you pass by know that you - and you alone - are in tune with the modern world.

You sir, aren't the average every day dweeb any longer!

You're a nerd with a neat device that is 100 times better than the Mattel Tri-Corder that constantly needs batteries, and 1000 times better than that Tyco Light Saber (although to be honest, we all know you still 'dig' the sound effects in the handle).

Laptops? We don't need no stinkin laptops! We got it all right here baby.....The Zoomziggy 5000 portable talk-o-lizer. Life as we know it will never be the same.

Live long and prosper, Eugene's of America. You've waited enough.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

mo·ron n.
A stupid person; a dolt.

re·cal·ci·trant (r-kls-trnt)adj.
Marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance

ac·count·a·ble (-kount-bl)adj.
Liable to being called to account; answerable.

NUFF' said.

Good God, it's about time!

Opening day has finally arrived, and the world is once again rotating properly on it's axis. The NY Yankees won yesterday 15-2, with Alice Rodriguez hitting a grand slam, Mary Sheffield scoring two runs and Jennifer Jason Giambi making an error in the first inning. As anyone wise to the machinations of baseball clearly knows, there is absolutely no way any other team is going to keep the Yankees from winning their 456th World Series title this October, right?

Uhhhh...well.....ummmmm....not so fast quickdraw.