Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Way to go Judge...that'll teach 'em!

Two high school football players in Kenton, Ohio were convicted of a crime and will be sentenced to 60 days incarceration.

But the sentences will not be carried out until after the football season ends.

Judge Gary McKinley ruled that football would be good for the boys, and subsequently vacated their sentences until winter.

Junior starting quarterback Dailyn Campbell (16) and senior fellow player Jesse Howard (17) had stolen a decoy deer from a local hunting store. The deer was only standing on two legs, so the boys fashioned a base out of wood, put some wheels on it, and went out to a 2-lane paved country road to have some fun. They pushed the deer out into the road and laughed and laughed as car after car was forced to swerve out of the way.

When fellow high school aged Robert Roby Jr. came by, the laughing was brought to a screeching halt. Roby attempted to emergency steer his car out of the way, but went off the small road and hit both a tree and a pole. Roby sustained a broken neck, broken arm, broken leg, and broken collar bone.

And he was the lucky one.

Dustin Zacharias - a passenger in the car - struck his head so violently he has certified, clinical brain damage.

Isn't that funny? I'm damn near wetting my pants I'm laughing so hard. "The boys are good boys, just trying to have a little fun and something went wrong", said Howard's father. "They need to be left alone to get beyond this".

No he didn't. No way. He didn't say "and something went wrong" ??

Something went wrong alright, and those two need to be thrown into jail passing go...and no collection of their $200. Then proceedings need to be started to remove the Judge from the bench, because he too has made himself complicit in this tragedy by virtue of his idiotic ruling.

For now, the boys will go onto football glory, date a cheerleader, and move on with their lives after 60 loose days in the county jail picking up trash on the side of the road. And what of Dustin Zacharias?

Well...He'll still have brain damage. Just like Judge McKinley.

1 comment:

Rebelbelle said...

This is dammed sick.