Senator Arlen Specter (R) Pennsylvania, recently declared that he was no longer going to be a Republican, and he would soon be changing to a Democrat. He's going from a R to a D, and the truth of the matter is he's really a D-I-C-K.
C'mon. Who gives a fuck?
He said two things that struck me...first of all, he said he now believes in the democratic ideals more than the far right that the leadership of the republican party is spouting. Now to be honest, that may be true...PARTLY. The real reason more than likely is he has evaluated his chances of reelection this fall and poll data has shown that his ancient ass is gonna get kicked like Mike Tyson vs. Mickey Rooney.
Democratic ideals my ass! He has no chance of staying in his job, so he's taking steps to ensure he does. As with ALL politicians, you can tell they are lying by watching their lips move. The second thing he said was the President was going to campaign for him.
The president. Of the United States. Is going to campaign for him. What? A bleeding economy, swine flu, war and Al Quaeda aren't enough to keep the President busy? For the record, I am now going to offer the solution to most of our problems.
1) Term limits. PERIOD! How come every elected official in this country has term limits except the House and Senate? Because the House and Senate make the fucking rules, that's why. Here's my suggested rule. Two terms and your ass is back in the law office suing McDonalds for being stupid enough to serve hot coffee to people who want.....uuuuummmm....HOT COFFEE.
2) Governors and the President cannot campaign for anyone, anytime, anywhere. Get to work assholes, and stop fucking shit up.
3) No more D, R, or I. From now on, it's Mr Smith vs. Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones believes in this, Mr. Smith believes in that...screw party affiliation. I don't agree with abortion, but I also don't get involved in telling others what is right and wrong. I don't own a gun, but I believe in the 2nd amendment. What the hell does that make me? Parties are hereby disolved by my order. No more Independent-Demofucklicans!
4) Get a fucking job. If you're 23, healthy, and all you want to do is sit on your couch watching the Price is Right while drawing a federal subsidy, you're done. Go clean some toilets or do one of those jobs "Americans won't do". Either that or get the hell out. Now.
5) No more parties - no more lobbyists. Anyone who claims to be a lobbyist or does lobbyist activites will immediately be sent to Af-fuckin-ghanistan to perform human shield duty.
6) No pork projects. You need a new bridge? Ask for one. You fraudulently sequester taxpayer money without being forthright, you're going to human shield duty with the Abramoff's.
7) A national sales tax, and with that a flat tax. Does that make me a Libertarian? Not any more. Liberrepublifucks are not allowed in the United States of JL4.
That's less than a year we'd be sitting once again on top. And speaking of that, all this lame assed bullshit about appologizing for being the biggest, baddest, m-effer on the block? I LIKED IT when we were the toughest country out there. Too bad if Syria is a shit-hole. None of my kids are Syrian, so I don't care. And in closing, I think people who use the word "FUCK" in creative ways should be paid for it.