Friday, August 18, 2006

"New" Bill of Rights

I hereby propose the "New" Bill of Rights for the American people:

  • You have the right to remain silent, and most of you should. (This includes me at times, too).
  • You have the right to NOT board a plane if you feel you're being inconvenienced by these "idiots" trying to protect you from harm.
  • You have the right NOT to go to the airport at all if you don't want to adhere to the rule and the subsequent inconvenience. You DO NOT have the right to blabber on incessantly while you are in such a line, because no one gives a rats ass what you think anyways.
  • You have the right to vote for candidates in the coming months who are the opposite of everyone currently in office. Remember as you do so though, "opposite" will apply to everything - good and bad.
  • You have the right to disagree with everything we as a nation currently stand for, and of course you have the right to leave as well.
  • You have the right to protest, argue on talk TV and Radio, and have your opinions heard. You DO NOT have the right to our agreement with those opinions, though.
  • You have the right to be a separatist, a communist, a socialist, a globalist, an atheist, a realist, a liberalist, a moralist, a pacifist, and an anarchist. Gee, there sure are a lot of "ists" aren't there? Remember when we were just called "Americans"?
  • You have the right to be offended, good Lord we all know that is true.

  • Lastly, you have the right to be one of the 358,456,875,459,268,952,254,426 bloggers who hate the President and the government, want us out of Iraq immediately, but have no f***ing clue what to do after that. Be that as it may, there is no shortage of imbecilic suggestions.

1 comment:

Rebelbelle said...

They have the right to blah, blah, blah- but not the right to MAKE me listen.