Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Beirut, Lebanon, Jun. 15 (UPI) Iran reportedly is readying troops to move into Iraq if U.S. troops pull out, leaving a security vacuum.
The Saudi daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat, monitored in Beirut, reports Iran has massed four battalions at the border.
Al-Sharq al-Awsat quoted reliable Iraqi sources as saying, Iran moved part of its regular military forces towards the Iraqi border in the southern sector at a time its military intelligence agents were operating inside Iraqi territory.

You know, stories like this appear around the world every day, but they NEVER or rarely appear on US television or in the national print media. Want some more?

  • Iranian troops have been sporadically shelling the Kurds of northern Iraq on and off since July 27th.
  • The Kurds reported less than a week ago that they killed 8 Iranian soldiers within the border of northern Iraq.
  • On 14 August, an Afghan man was caught swimming the Rio Grande in an attempt to reach Texas. [What? He was lost or something?]
  • Sheriff Sigfredo Gonzales of Zaputa County Texas said in a local newspaper story that over the past few months the Sheriff's department has recovered Arabic military patches and insignia, Iranian currency, Spanish language text books, and jackets frequently worn by Middle Eastern soldiers on the banks of the Rio Grande river.
  • A dense jungle area that comprises a triangle of the countries Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina known as the TBA (Tri Border Area) or La Triple Frontera in Spanish, has been the home of Arabic terrorism camps since the late 1980's. Hamas, Al Qaeda, Hizb Allah, and other major players in the now world-wide terrorism cycle our planet seems to be in have been confirmed to be there.

Why don't we hear about these things? I know that much of it has to do with security and a lack of information because of that, but I'm not buying that as an excuse. I understand why the left-leaning media would be reticent to report this, because their deal is to downplay world terrorism as a hoax or something concocted by the current administration, but why hasn't FOXnews been on this? They certainly don't believe the administration is making anything up, yet they don't report on this either.

The case could be made that Americans would panic if they knew they were slowly being surrounded, or at least the signs point to that being a possibility. I think there is a great deal of merit in assuming the average American cannot absorb and rationalize information like this. Sadly, most American's are not mentally capable of handling this kind of thing, which of course makes it all the easier for those who mean harm to us to do their thing. And I gotta tell ya, we are surrounded...right here in our supposedly safe and secure country. Or have all the news stories that have been reported - stories about terrorists being captured on both our northern and southern border trying to gain entrance - not enough to convince you this thing is real and happening right now?

The fact remains however, that these stories could very well be 100% true, or at least true enough to gain our notice. I'm confident the proper people have taken notice and are acting in our best national interests, I just don't understand why the mainstream media continues to ignore the signs and warning shots that keep going over our heads. They're all over stories about fake confessions, but ignore the truly important stuff. Everyone is culpable; Democrat's, Republican's, Libertarian's, Independent's, Flaming Liberals, Supremely hard-assed Conservatives, cats, dogs, and anyone else you care to mention.

Either we don't want to look because we're hoping it's all a bad dream and we're soon going to wake up to our old lollipop's and cotton candy world, or we're just damn stupid. My guess would be "both".



leelee said...

Hey good stuff lately JL4.

As far as this post goes...wouldn't it be beneficial for the current administration to bolster its argument for staying in Iraq by putting this Iran news out there for everyone to read. Why should it be you think we Americans can just not handle the reality? Or do you think that the war in Iraq has led to a far worse problem? and they just don't have an answer to it. I posted an Iran theory on my blog last night..take a look, I'd be interested in your thoughts:

JL4 said...

First of all, I'm not a big fan of answering a response to one of my blogs, but in this case I will.

1) I don't think for one minute anyone is squelching the news. I think it's convenient to talk about the daily deaths and destruction in Iraq to further the campaign against our involvement there. I think they're not reporting it for a variety of reasons - fear, annimosity, stubbornness even.

2)Yes. I believe most American's can't handle bad news or a bad prognostication.

3)It has become increasingly obvious that the war in Iraq may indeed be going just as planned, with the exception of the insugencies and the subsequent tragic loss of life. Think back to September 12th, 2001. For the first time in over 50 years, the entire country was tuned in to the President's speech. We had just been attacked the day before, and the whole country wanted to know what President Bush planned to do about it. Somewhere in there, he said the famous "Axis of Evil" line, and Iran was the first one mentioned. Given the fact that his Father left Saddam in power because he knew Saddam was a great impediment to Iran taking over the Middle East, it seems crazy that junior would have taken him out - unless there was another agenda - which we now at least SUSPECT was our inevitable defense against Iran.

4) Iran is a decided threat to this country. Al Qaeda as we knew it 5 years ago is not the same. They are disrupted to some degree, yet possibly stronger from the perspective of membership numbers, but they still have faulty and ineffective leadership, no doubt a result of our increased dilligence in shutting them down. Iran poses the largest threat, and of course their suicidal maniac of a President doesn't help to make my nerves any less jittery.

5) Iraq is not what it seems. The scale and scope of our terrorism problem far exceeds Iraq, and has little or nothing at all to do what is happening on a daily basis there. That's not to diminish the struggle, it is only a statement that Iraq is simply 1 piece in a much larger - much more dangerous -puzzle that this country faces. Focusing on Iraq and problems in Iraq alone is a mistake many American's are making, and it only serves to help others who want us dead. Am I upset about Iraq? Yes. But I haven't forgotten 9-11, and I know in my heart that in the broader scheme of things, we're probably right where we need to be. Perhaps we have butchered the plan from time to time, but by and large the fight has to be over there. If it's not, then it'll be over here.

And that's the issue we face now. Having the fight right here on our shores. We have to be aware of our greatest threats, and our involvement over in Baghdad isn't one of them. Complacency is a threat...hiding our heads in the sand is a threat...bitching and moaning about airport security is a threat...crappy border security is a threat...and most importantly...a completely polarized nation is a threat, although as these things start to mount (Airline hijackings/bombings etc) the latest polls show Americans leaning more towards coming together every day.

We're still a long ways away from total aggreement though, and hopefully we won't be attacked until we are.

leelee said...

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment.

You mentioned in your original post that no one was reporting the news of Iran at the borders etc. I was merely commenting in response to that when I mentioned squelching the news.

You are right when you write that if we are not fighting there then we will be fighting here. My biggest fear is that we are unable to contain the threats there and it is boiling over sooner rather than later. It's only a matter of time I fear..

Not to be alarmist but frankly I am scared..I fear WW3 and it won't be my father's sir, it will be a war of terror and destruction of unimaginable scale here on these shores.

When Mike Wallace interviewed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a few weeks ago, he asked him if the stories were true that there were suicide bombers ready to attack in the US if we were to attack Iran. Ahmadinejad didn't surprise there..that guy is a maniac no doubt.. True or's rather frightening.

Yes, there is a lot more going on than we fear is that this group (present admin) just doesn't know how to handle it. I sure hope I'm wrong because...this thing ain't going away..and honestly I don't know who can come up with a solution and we can't wait till 2008 to see who has the next good idea.

Thanks again for responding.