Tuesday, November 28, 2006

When Timmy becomes Tammy

Anyone else notice the emasculation of the American male, or am I off onto some bizarre tangent? I think not, but I’ve been wrong before.

I was in the book store the other night Christmas shopping, and I came upon the “Parenting” section. I started to count the books on motherhood, and gave up at 3,564,231. Fatherhood was much easier to count. There was “Fathering for Dummies” and “Dad”, a retrospective by Nancy Grace. Both books were authored by women, as were the 3 million + on the other wall. So women tell women how to be mothers, then turn around and tell fathers how to be fathers.

On TV, all my children now has a trans-gender female (male?) character.

A woman I know has a son named Kinser, and at age 3 she has him in formalized ballet, interpretive dance, and art appreciation. She is deliberately gender-bending, and she started from the very moment he came out of the womb by giving him an androgynous name. “I want him to be ‘artsy’ and ‘liberal’”, she told me. When I asked what he wants, she fell silent. I can’t remember when I was 3, but I seriously doubt I was staring at a Monet and saying, “His brush strokes thoroughly exemplify his natural beauty and compassion for the common man.” And I certainly wasn’t taking interpretive dance. 50 years ago, boys were boys and girls were girls. It seemed to work fairly well that way.

Enter Gloria Allred, the famed feminist attorney who successfully sued K-Mart for committing the egregious crime of separating their toy section into girls and boys. Ms. Allred continued her trek towards emasculating the population by suing the boy scouts for not allowing a girl in, then turning around 16 months later and defending the girl scouts when a boy tried to enter their ranks.

Hollywood has played a significant role in the gender blur. Given the fact that being gay in the movie or TV game is considered fashionably chic, it comes as no surprise that we now have shows like “Queer eye for the straight guy”, “What not to wear”, “Why is that queer guy wearing sneakers?”, and “Spandex – America’s answer to leisure suits.” Okay, Okay….I made those first two shows up, but you get the idea.

Even when in the heterosexual mode, Hollywood passes on a pathetic message with 3 month marriages, 6th marriages, and having babies out of wedlock being a status symbol. If they just want to screw, why don't they just screw and leave the rest of us alone?

The 10th edition of the book, “Heather has two Mommies” was just published, and there are school systems all over the country clamoring to make this book mandatory reading in elementary school. Look, I’m not homo or gender phobic, but do we really have to go out of our way any further to confuse our youth? Goodness gracious, as if learning the three R’s and computer science wasn’t enough, now we want to make kids read about lesbian parenting when they’re still focusing on “The Little Train that Could.”

Is this trend dangerous for this country? Depends who you ask. I believe a lack of masculine role models might be the latest sway in evolution that brings about the demise of our nation. Others believe it’s perfectly acceptable to downplay and diminish the male’s impact in our society. I believe it is not only healthy to recognize boys as boys and girls as girls – I believe it’s downright necessary. But I'm somehow becoming the minority.

Just look at the newest show, “Fabric Matching with Kinser”, it’ll tell you all you need to know.


Rebelbelle said...

Yes- the trend is dangerous...

But when dudes start breastfeeding their own kids- the gene pool will die out.

JL4 said...

Dudes are concerned with being breast FED...Not breast FEEDING...

I agree