Friday, March 30, 2007

Been tryin'

I've been tryin' to stay a-political the last month or so. But in this case, I just want to ask a question. Which one of these men do we want to cut the funding on?


leelee said...

my god, not one of them I pray...send this to the's up to him now.

Scary Monster said...

Me not want to withdraw funding or support.
Me want to bring them home so they can love their friends, family, wives and children without risking their lives supporting the president's war of inanity.

Serena said...

I'm with Leelee & Scary. I don't like the war and I'd like to see it ended, but as long as our troops are there, I don't want one cent withdrawn. Give them everything they need to do their jobs, but get them home soon. That's what I hope for.