Tuesday, March 06, 2007


In schools, school districts, and homes all across this nation, the argument rages on about physical education. Should it be removed from the curriculum? If it has been removed already, should it be reinstated? Does having PE take away from the three R's? Do the three R's matter if you're 5-7, 297 lbs? Is having a degree in mechanical engineering any good if you're dead of a heart attack at age 25?

Can you think of a good reason why we need P.E.? I can think of three...


leelee said...

true..isn't it a shame..schools spend a lot of time here in FL on FCAT testing and other programs, but probably NOT enough on PE. I say it should be mandatory!!

The other rub though is..who is feeding these children?? If you are driving through Mickey D's 7 times a week because JR is hungry...then unfortunately PE twice a week is not going to do much.

Sedentary children seems to be a big problem....when I was a kid we were simply NOT allowed to hang around in the house and watch TV etc...Mother was always shooing us outside to play..

It's all changed

Sean said...

p.e. is definately good for many reasons. kids have energy that needs to be burned off so they perform better in the classroom. but p.e. isn't enough. parenting is a lacking.

JL4 said...

Agree and agree