Monday, March 19, 2007

Yeah, but you really want to try their poached egg supreme latte, with mayonaise and noodle flavored cinamon powder

Starlight, star bright. First Starbucks, I see tonight.

It started around the same time, early to mid-1990's. Political correctness and the Starbucks franchise, forever intertwined in our mix-and match-world. "Coffee" became extinct right around the time that "handicapped' people did.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. May I help you?"

Yes...I'd like a cup of coffee.

"You bet. Could I get you to step over to this register sir?"

Ok. What's wrong with that register?

"It's reserved for handicapable people."


"That's correct, sir. Soooo, what kind of coffee would you like?"

Ummmmm....just a coffee will do.

"Ok. Would you like a rum-flavored pizza and chocolate cake with hazel nut whipped topping?"

A what? No, no. I'd like a cup of coffee. Do you sell coffee?

"Why yes we do Sparky. We sell coffee in 1008 different flavors and 13 varieties of colors. Would you like a tree bark and speckled walnut flavored bagel made from crushed sunflower seeds and soy bean to go with it?"

To go with what?

"Our blend of the day: Salmon and toasted frog legs super-mega dude frothy, with a glazed onion dip in our very own Starbucks display case."

Wow. And does that come with a cup of coffee too?

"Sir...that is the cup of coffee."


And thus, the phenomenon known as Starbucks began, and an entire generation of people born between 1970 and 1980 gravitated towards it like metal shavings to an electro-magnet. Soon, Starbucks the "coffee" store became Starbucks the "retail" store, where - much like the "Cracker Barrel" restaurants - you have to go through the area where they want you to spend the real money before you can get to the counter. And now, Starbucks has its own record label, to produce God-knows-what kind of Starbucks music. Perhaps a mix of flock of seagulls/techno/mariah/JLo/dion with a touch of Puff Diddy Daddy Doody or whatever he calls himself, mixed in.

So why did I mix Starbucks and PC?

Oh, that explanation is easy. You see, exactly like Starbucks, political correctness started innocently enough, with basic courtesy being the desired effect. Now PC has taken on a life of its own, with a huge following of strung out and overly hyperactive and hypersensitive individuals. So when I see or hear something PC, I throw my hands up into the air, shake my head violently, and say out loud, "Where in the hell did all of this come from?" "Is somebody having a bad Ecstasy trip?"

Just like Starbucks.



Rebelbelle said...
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Rebelbelle said...

Salmon and toasted frog leg flavored coffee! ick :(

I've been to Starbucks a total of 3 times-
My coffee is just so much better...and way cheaper! (and no froggy stuff in it either)

7:33 PM

Sean said...

i was going through college at the beginning of the pc kick. that was definately an interesting time. in the course of a year we had about ten new buildings spring up for the studies of whatever different minority group and revised campus rule after revised campus rule about the treatment of others... and let's not discuss the kinder, gentler army...