Wednesday, January 02, 2008


The temperature right now...8:18 Orlando Florida (The sunshine state) 34 degrees with a 26 mph wind that brings the wind-chill variable to 29 degrees.

I went out 5 minutes ago armed with an aerosol can in each hand, sprayed them into the sky and prayed for global warming.

The dog took a pee and could barely lift his leg he was shivering so badly.

Hey Al Gore....I doubt it dude.

C'mon down here tonight and tell me all about how the science is over and there is no debate. We'll go for a swim, you and I.

You - in trunks. Me - in a full wet suit. Bet your nuggies shrivel faster.


leelee said...


Low tonight here..37...might as well be 37 below zero for that is how the locals look dressed for.

2-5 days per year we here in tropical south Florida are on Bad Sweater's how it works. Whichever year you migrated to South Florida is the vintage of your "winter wear" so if you came down in 1974 that's the style of sweater or jacket you break out. You have never seen so many Members Only jackets in pristine condition as you will here in the next couple of days. Not to mention loud and ugly's really something to see. And I just need to know where the homeless keep those parkas and knit caps for the other 362 days of heat and humdidty..thank goodness they have them is all I can, it's cold outside!!

JL4 said...

Time to take a nip of brandy, settle in to the electric blanket, and watch West Virginia play hell with the dog...he can poop indoors, I don't care.

Members only jackets? Oh my goodness. I mean, "Oy vey"

leelee said...

lol....well the game was on..but someone opted for a biography of Andrew Jackson..pretty interesting actually but..not riveting enough to keep me brandy for me..I'm hittin' the hay!

Yes indeed...Members Only kidding...

-Cora said...

"I went out 5 minutes ago armed with an aerosol can in each hand, sprayed them into the sky and prayed for global warming."

LOL- I nearly fell out of bed laughing when I read that-
O my goodness- that was a classic
Jl4 line if ever I've read one :D

So funny :)