Thursday, June 18, 2009

You're an asshole if...


Anonymous said...

i like cora's list...

JL4 said...

You are a man, old enough to have gray hair, and you have it in a pony tail.

You act like ATM machines were invented last Tuesday.

You defend your daughter at all costs, nomatter the absurdity of your argument. Your daughter the child-murderer, that is.

You're a judge who lets a man who killed 19 cats and Youtubed their torture go "of his own recognizance" (Look it up. Miami)

You have the balls to even talk to a soldier if you're a Senator. (Thanks Cora)

You appologize to the French for...ummm...anything, actually.

You do a live show with real tigers 7 times a day in Vegas, and you're shocked when he gets pissed off and mauls you. There is a reason tiger's are not classified "Domesticated" dickhead!

You give your pet chimp Xanex - and he tears the face off your best friend.

You have a pet chimp.

You use steroids to hit longer home runs, while others use steroids to heal the arm that was amputated by the I.E.D.

You think Memorial Day is about hot dogs, Bud Light, and Daytona Beach.

You're a beauty queen who shoots drugs, commits crimes, and can't put together 7 words in a comprehensible sentence.

You're a parent who chastises your kid for striking out in Little League or making a mistake at a dance recital.

You're a parent who HASN'T SEEN your kid strike out or make a mistake at the dance recital.

Man....the list is LOOOOONG.

**I liked Cora's too**

JL4 said...

You think "bonding" is watching "Survivor" with your kids.

You actually watch Survivor, Part 38 from the far Pacific Island Waddafuck.

You're trying to save money for your local community, so you fire a bunch of first responders like cops, EMT's and firefighters while you save the money to replace a basketball arena that doesn't need replacing.

You use phrases and vocabulary like "I missrememered" "that depends what you mean by 'is'" or you suddenly forget how to speak English in front of Congress (Sammy Sosa)

You say things like "cold [hot] enough for ya?"

You live in Florida and you complain about heat and rain. YOU LIVE IN FLORIDA, ASSHOLE!

You read your Bible every night while you're contemplating screwing over your office mate the next day.

You complain about the economy, but you never say ANYTHING about a movie star getting $45 Million for a shitty movie...that YOU supported with your $8 ticket stub.

You BLARE the horn at the car in front of you .00000000001 seconds after the light turns green.

You move into the passing lane and then slow down.

You're texting, talking, blue toothing, changing the radio station, flipping off other drivers, and eating that Big Mac all the while changing lanes at 45 MPH.

Your an NFL player who kills a pedestrian while drunk driving and you get 30 days in're not the asshole, the Judge is.

Sure are a lot of assholes, aren't there?

leelee said...

You're a so called "Family Values Platform" politician and you cheat on your wife..then lie about it. Sanctity of marriage????? ummmmmm NOT!