Tuesday, December 05, 2006


NYC has passed a law banning trans fat's in the chain restaurants in the city. No longer can McDonald's, Burger King, et al use the synthetic fat substitute. Studies have shown that trans fat's can cause heart problems and obesity.

Ohhhhhhh....I get it now. All those people who were going into McDonald's and Wendy's because they were diet conscious are now going to benefit greatly from the ban.

Alrighty-dighty everybody. Diet Big Mac's around the horn...and don't spare the fries!


leelee said...

OMG Diet Big Macs....count me in...and fries too??????????? This is great news!!!

Cutting edge I tell ya..

JL4 said...

Cutting edge alright...once again our public officials have spent way too much time and money on something that is...quite frankly...just about stupid.

You eat at McDonald's, then you're going to baloon up....no if's, and's, or wide but(t)'s about it.

You want to ban something?

Ok...ban McDonald's. Now...THAT's progressive thinking.

leelee said...

How about those Meatball Howitzer subs?....they CAN'T be good for you.

Look I think you're right..but if they want to protect the health of the public....shouldn't the sale of cigarettes be banned???

JL4 said...

And beer...and whiskey...and hydrocodone...and Vicodin

But meatball subs?

Ohhhhhh, that's just mean

leelee said...

Ok...so let's all go with good old common sense...how about that? Does anyone need to eat fast food everyday...or smoke at all? An occaisional meatball sub or a drink for some or even an Big Mac can be ok...JUST USE YOUR HEAD!!!why must people do things to such excess that the act becomes harmful?

WHY?????????/ I ask you.

my favorite line: