Thursday, January 08, 2009

Dear JL4 (the herniated edition)

Dear fuck asshole dick JL4,

I can't fuck shit ass stop bitch stop fucker dipshit even with asswipe medication.
What more fucker motherfucker can horseshit I fuck me do?

Tom in fucks dickhead shit Oklahoma

Dear Tom,

In my non-medical opinion, it appears to me you have your Tourettes under control, but like I said, I'm not a doctor.



I have problems in completing and


Dear Truly,

Have you tried?


Dear JL4,

Years now for about dyslexia suffering I've been. Will ever ? when end it

In correspondence yours,

Illinois Bill from

Dill bear,

Doctors you that recommend surgery they where eyes switch left becomes that right verse visa and.


1 comment:

leelee said...

