Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Dear JL4

Dear JL4 -

I have a major problem. I've been making the same recipes for 20 years..and I have run out of ideas. What should I make for dinner tonight???

Please advise

Helpless and hungry in Hollywood

Dear Helpless,

My good friend Barbie S. makes a great homemade dish she calls "Be gentle Yentl, it's only Lentil" soup. You take a half pound of lean matzo balls, marinated in olive oil and dead sea salts, and mix in a good amount of turnip greens, dates, and schmaltz. After cooking at a slow burn for...oh...40 minutes and 40 seconds...you split the mixture in two using a little known kitchen gadget called a "heston staff", and serve with a side unleavened bread and 3 fishes. Serves 5000.




leelee said...

LOLOLOLOL...but OY, I'm awl out of schmaltz...but your "Be gentle Yentl, it's only Lentil" soup really does sound geshmak (means Tasty or delicious in yiddish)

I do believe you DO know everything....

lol heston staff....lol

Mayden' s Voyage said...

You are bad-
really bad :)