Thursday, January 01, 2009

In case you care

The list of bannished words is out from 2008 for 2009:

I guess your new car will be called "Forrest"
carbon footprint or carbon offsetting Didn't know or care what this was
maverick The tv show or the type of horse?
first dude Never heard it
bailout I guess when you exit the canoe just before it goes over the falls it's....?
Wall Street/Main Street Shithouse/Outhouse?
monkey Okaaaaay. Is it now a cat?
emoticon WTF? :-)
icon or iconic Computer will promt you saying, "you have unused thingys on your desktop"
game changer What?
staycation This is clearly white yuppy crapolla
desperate search Oh Noooooo. Nancy Grace. What will you lead with?
not so much I killed this 2 years ago
winner of five nominations Yeah. Nominated is not winning
it's that time of year again Really? Same date and all?

Fortunately for us sane folks, shit-bird, shit-head, shit-for-brains, shit-eating grin, no shit, I can't take this shit, I love this shit, what the hell is this shit?, I don't believe this shit, is this the only shit on tonight?, give a shit, take a shit, good shit, bad shit, I've seen that shit, did you hear that shit?, don't gimme that shit, ya gotta be shitting me, ever been through some shit like that before?, shit happens, pack your shit and leave, some of the worst shit I've ever witnessed, holy shit, this shit is great, this shit sucks, dare ya to try that shit again, and of course - fuck this shit - are still not considered banned.

Happy New Year. I'm done with this shit for now.


leelee said...

monkey? hmmmm

Lets all be grateful "First Dude" not going to be used..or MAVERICK...geez louise...

Karen said...

My husband is a big fan of the staycation. That's why the kids and I go without him!