Friday, September 22, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States....

What would it be like,
how would it be?
If we all spoke like the Snoop,
Snoop Dogg Dee Oh Double Gee.

Would our culture rise,
or would it fizzle?
If every sentence
ended in fagizzle?

And what of the Doctor,
the one called Seus?
Would heezle beezle the neezle,
if let out on the loose?

With the song playing proudly,
Prez Snoop would declare loudly:
Weezle have to raizle the tax-o-pizzle,
to be able to snizzle wif da mizzles.

He's our man, the keeper of the plan.
Our Commander in Chief.
I just can't understand the guy,
when his bizzle meets da beef.

Peace - out.

1 comment:

leelee said...
