Monday, September 04, 2006

Now here's a surprise

Steve Irwin, the popular Australian animal guy, died when stung by a Stingray in the heart. This comes as a shock to millions.

In three other related stories:

Family living on Interstate 70 run over by semi-trailer.

Drunk man chasing balloon on cliffs of Dover - misses.

Bomb maker in Damascus sneezes....42 missing in demolished apartment complex.

Is it just me, or does French-Kissing a 23 foot Python seem like a risky profession?

Just me? bad.

1 comment:

Sean said...

it's amazed me all the shock i've heard in peoples' voices all day whenever they've discussed this. they're actually surprised the guy died? and that it happened while he was playing with animals? not that i wished this on him, but can we PLEASE turn this into a psa?