Thursday, September 14, 2006

The View

On a television show called "The View", Rosie O'Donnell said something stupid - then followed it up with something stupid. In between she said more stupid things, and finished the show with a few well-chosen nuggets of ignorance.

Stupidity is the essence of Rosie, most know that to be true.

I've never watched the show because it's on daytime, weekday T.V., so I didn't hear her comments first-hand, only the re-hashing of them on talk radio last night. Apparently Rosie angered a large segment of our society. My question is, why?

By a show of hands, how many people out there think Rosie has even the slightest relevance in our culture and society? C'mon...put 'em up higher. I can't see any.

I thought so.

So why get all worked up about what she said? No one really cares what Rosie thinks anyways, so ranting about it only serves to empower her to say more stupid things. If you ignore her, eventually she'll go away.

Even if she doesn't, just change the channel.

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