Monday, February 26, 2007


The television and radio ratings were released for the week of February 19th through February 23rd, 2007. If you did a story about Anna Nicole Smith, your ratings went up 57%. If you did a piece about Britney Spears, your ratings went up 32%. If you did nothing but talk about the two of them, you were guaranteed to be the King or Queen of last week.

Five and a half years ago, we were told to pay more attention. Our government begged us to pay attention...remember?

Have we? Do we?

Every single man, woman, and child in this country needs to be more diligent, but by and large we are not even barely so. No government can protect its people from each and every potentially dangerous person in their midst, so it is incumbent upon us all to be aware. But we choose not to be.

Perhaps knowing the facts of the A.N.S. baby case and whether or not Jennifer Aniston is back with Vince Vaughn (whoever he is) will make us aware of the guy in the mall this coming June. You know the guy of whom I speak, don't you?

He's wearing the long coat and carrying a suitcase - both for no apparent reason?


Scary Monster said...

Forty years ago the government was begging us all to DO something, remember that?
Me be guessing that the standards have dropped quite a lot since then.
Bread and Circuses.

JL4 said...

Standards? I didn't know the citizens of the U.S. HAD standards.

leelee said...

I'm a citizen and I have standards...I'm guessing you have some too..

Please don't lump the entire US citizenry into one big ignorant glob...PLEASE

Rebelbelle said...

I do notice things, or pay better attention than I used to.

On the other hand-
I was about 11 years old when Adam Walsh was murdered- I didn't fully understand what the implications of his death would have on my family- but they were far reaching. My mom went into "mother tiger" mode- and it has lasted until this day.

I'm a "mother tiger" too- 9-11 just made me more alert to other kinds of terrorists. Kinds that don't just kill kids-
as if that wasn't bad enough.