Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Ok, at the risk of alienating 1 of the 2.43 people who actually read this blog (my dog does as well - but he's not a people) I have to take the time to answer something from my blog just previous to this one.

This is not a condemnation of anything anyone has said, just my explanation of what I meant by my statement of yesterday.

I made a crack in the comments section that the US citizenry doesn't have standards, and one of my loyal readers said I shouldn't lump everyone in the same group. To this I say simply:

1) Should I list the number of murders, rapes, child porn arrests, murder-suicides, car-jacking's, robberies, steroid arrests, NBA basketball brawls, fatherless births, and other assorted tid-bits from just today...? Or...

2) Should I fill the entire Blogspot server with a national listing for say...a week...of the same nefarious deeds done by our supposedly high-standard society?

3) Al Gore just won an Oscar for his global warming movie, and yesterday the Tennessee Utilities Commission released the fact that Gore's home utility bills for the past two years have been $30,000.00 per year...20 TIMES the national average.

4) The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was embarrassed yesterday, as they had to admit that 4 out of 10 voters for Oscars never saw the movie or performance they voted on. In the grand scheme of things, who cares anyways? But from a socially moralistic viewpoint - the folks in Hollywood - who constantly remind our government how immoral it is, turned the tide on themselves.

No....I won't focus on these things. Instead, I'll point out this little factoid of perversion:

Florida State Senator Mike Bennett (a state "standard-setter") is attempting for the fourth time to pass legislation aimed at ticketing drivers going the speed limit in the left lane. You see, Senator Bennett (a state "standard-setter") believes that road rage is caused by slower drivers in the passing lane, and he places the blame for road rage on the driver or drivers that are NOT experiencing the anger, instead of on the individual who is. He wants to allow those going faster than the speed limit the freedom to move about as they like, and he thinks the state and local police should be going after Mrs. Jones because she's going 65 in a 65 zone. Ok, so the short synopsis of this legislation is this:

Mr Bennett (a state "standard-setter") says we need to make a LAW that says the following:

It is against the law to obey the law, and on the flip side, it is permissible by law to disobey the law.

And this is going to make things better on the Florida highways, according to State Senator Bennett (a state "standard-setter")

As Mahatma Gandhi would say, "What the...?"


leelee said...

I guess I am the loyal reader you are referring to JL4 and not to worry...I will remain a loyal reader..your posts inspire new thoughts and a chance to look at the world from a different perspective than my own. I always find them interesting.

I take into consideration all of the points you raised and by god you do do your homework. I will not dispute that there are certainly people with standards different from my own. And truly it is exasperating at times..truly!!

My small but powerful comment was really just a statement that I myself do not wish to be lumped into any one group. I don't agree with some of the so called "standards" that lawmakers or administrations seem fit to pass into law...but as an American I have the right and obligation to write to my congressman/ woman.. to stand on a soap box and talk to the yell at my TV if I don't agree..and also to try to live by my own standards as I see fit and hopefully inspire others.

I guess that's what it's all about..being an American...that is why we hold dear our independence and freedom. (I hear Patriotic music playing in the background as I type)

We are a diverse nation with good, bad, intelligent and ignorant alike..we couldn't possibly be grouped into one. Why would we want to??



Rebelbelle said...

In terms of driving in Florida- I have to ask one question...
How many "actual" Americans have you got down there?
It kills me that a Senator would spend time on a law like that- when a good percentage of the law breakers on his roads are citizens of another country- and are rarely held accountable for their crimes.

Islamic terrorists need only change their names to Gonzales, or Torres...

JL4 said...

Yes, you were the loyal reader...and I didn't disagree with you then or now.

Just wanted to explain what I meant.

Rebel - oh man, I'm not EVEN going near that comment. I like to talk, not wage war on here :-) But to answer your question, there are 26 actual American's...ooops...make that 25. One of the snow-birds just dropped.

leelee said...

My husband is a Cuban Immigrant..came over in 1962 to escape Castro. He is more American than many Americans I is his family that all came from Cuba and are living and working and voting and paying taxes here in Florida.

My Grandparents on my Dad's side were both Immigrants from Italy..and My Mothers family came over with the Pilgrims.

All proud Americans and All grateful to this Nation for allowing them the chance at a propserous life and the opportunity to work hard and live the American dream.

Just thought you should know that.

leelee said...

Thanks JL4...I thought your explanation was well written and informative.

Rebelbelle said...

I apologize if what I said offended you. That was not my intention.
I have family from all over the world, Korea, Panama, Philippines, and Mexico- who all came here legally- exactly as your husband did. They value the American culture more than most because they know first hand about poverty and corruption.

My point was about lax security measures on our borders being of greater importance than just about anything else.
Please forgive any offense on my part.

leelee said...

RB..I am quite sure you had no intention of were simply speaking your mind.

"Islamic terrorists need only change their names to Gonzales, or Torres...
ugh~ "

This is the part that bothered me. It just hit a nerve. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to think that my family were terrorists just because they are immigrants.

Thanks for taking the time to clarify.

Sean said...

damnit. stop making me think. i jsut want to be a sheep.