Thursday, December 27, 2007

Can't stop

Ok....I'll admit it. I can't stop writing the last few days. Apparently, I can't stop stealing from another person's blog and using their stuff. I've been reading it lately, and there is some interesting things on there. Thanks go out to my theft victim.

Try this one on your own blog...It's fun.


Four things to do before I die

1. See my sons graduate from College
2. Come into a large sum of money
3. Wind sail (Para sail, is it?) That thing where you hang from a huge kite. Whatever
4. Think of a fourth thing to do

Four things I can't do

1. Calculus
2. Drive in a relatively straight line
3. Live without blood thinners
4. A triple salchow (That figure skating thing where they fly and spin and don't bust their ass when landing)

Four things I love about my spouse

1. She's intelligent and kind
2. She is a dedicated nurse
3. She's the best cook I've ever known
4. She loves me (I know I couldn't or wouldn't)

Four things I say often

1. Hey! Why don't you just kiss my *** !!!
2. Apparently and evidently
3. Is our dog really that stupid?
4. Stop text messaging me !

Four movies I could watch over and over again

1. Saving Private Ryan
2. Office Space
3. Best in show
4. Any of the X-Men movies (They're awesome)

Four jobs I've had

1. Chief cook and bottle washer (Army leadership) Also known as MFIC: The Mother ****** in charge.
2. Golf shop attendee
3. Accounts Payable person
4. Budget control officer

Four places I've lived

1. Germany 1976-1979
2. Massachusetts 1957-1976
3. California (many times)
4. Middle East (Who wouldn't want to? Oh...that's right...a lot of people wouldn't want to)

Four TV shows I like to watch

1. How It's Made
2. Ummmmmm
3. Ummmmmm
4. Ummmmm (I don't watch tv shows...just documentaries and sports) ( I once saw 5 minutes of Seinfeld, but didn't laugh...does that count?)

Four places I've been on holiday (vacation)

1. Las Vegas
2. Cruise
3. Arizona
4. Orlando (and now I live here)

Four favorite dishes

1. Pork Chops with Campbell's Chicken and Rice soup baked in
2. M & M Cookies
3. Steak Tips and Noodles
4. Michelle Pfeifer (What? Oh get over it already)

Four places I'd rather be

1. In the multi-million dollar mansion I don't own
2. Hugh Hefner's shoes
3. Getting a massage
4. Philadelphia??? (All things considered....oh forget it !!)

And I added this myself:

The four people you most admire that aren't in your immediate or extended family:

1. Colin Powell
2. Margaret Thatcher
3. Dr. Robert Jarvik (inventor of the first permanently implanted Artificial heart)
4. Any athlete who shuts up, doesn't strut, doesn't show off, doesn't cheat, takes losing with grace, gives free autographs to kids, handles himself with integrity, doesn't get arrested, and simply acts like he's been there before and appreciates that his God-given talent is a privilege and a gift...not a right bestowed upon him.


leelee said...

I really enjoy these questionaires..or are they M:/M< what? memes??

and I'm glad you are writing more often...always entertaining and often informative...ok slighlty skewed..but still...informative..

JL4 said...

Skewed? Moi?

leelee said...

I did say slightly....

-Cora said...

Wow Jl4...a photo and 3 posts in one day?
I borrowed this one- thanks~

JL4 said...

Cora -

Too much time on my hands you say?