Friday, February 02, 2007

When luck is all you have

I live in Greater Orlando. This morning at 4:08 am, the phone rang in my bedroom. Grogilly, I answered it. It was my wife, on duty as an RN at the hospital.

"Get the boys down from the upstairs."


"Just do it!! Tornado's are smashing everywhere."

Sometimes all we have is luck, and this morning my boys and I were among the lucky. A couple of miles here...a couple of miles there...well...

These are not mobile homes. They are brand new single - family structures built to the latest code...14 feet minimum from ground to the top of the last concrete block.

And the tornado's handled this minor incovenience as if it didn't matter.

The rabbit clearly shows that God is not selective in whom he challenges.


leelee said...

This is one of those PAY ATTENTION moments in your life...each day is a you well know..

Glad you were among the lucky daughter was not far from there either..I am certainly counting MY blessings tonight!

Thank goodness you are all ok..

Scary Monster said...

Me has only just recently heard of what happened in Fla. All me can say is be thankfull that your family is safe, never forget that you are blessed with thier presence and do what you can for the less fortunate neighbors who did not fare as well as you did.

We get quite a lot of earthquakes here and I'm sure that the storm scared the bejeezus outta you.