Friday, December 28, 2007

A preponderance of pain

Guess what?

We are still at war, irrespective of how sloppily we have handled it thus far. Benazir Bhutto was killed by an ideology that is so foreign to us; so unimaginably violent and brutal to us; the lines of demarcation could not be more clearly defined than they are now, and 6+ years post 9/11, incredibly we still don't see it. I'm floored that we have come this far and are so stupid. By "we", I mean some politicians for sure, but mostly I'm talking about our general population. Collectively, the smartest nation on the Earth sure is a bunch of dense sumbitches.

In WWII, Japan wanted the Pacific - the entire Pacific - as their kingdom. Hitler wanted Europe. The boundaries were clearly defined, and for the most part, Japan and Germany's aspirations were driven by geography. There was Hitler's disgusting deal with Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals, but for the most part, the man wanted land...lots of land to call his own. The rest of the world said "Whoa, cowboys. You can't have it all because it doesn't belong to you." And for the better part of 5 years, the world banded together to ensure Mr. Hitler and Emperor Hirohito did not get their desired prize.

Very distinct sides.

Now we have us - and by "us" I literally mean us as in the U.S. - and them: Islamic extremists. Different from the aforementioned Mr's Hitler and Hirohito, these Islamic barbarians aren't interested in acquiring land per se (although I'm sure they envision some of that). No, no, no. These folks are interested in destroying anyone and everyone who doesn't think the way they do. And in carrying out their task, they have no problem whatsoever killing their own along the way. Last October, they attempted to assassinate Mrs. Bhutto, and they missed her. They did however kill between 150 and 165 of their own folks in the attempt to get Bhutto. Two days ago they were finally successful, and after they shot her - I said AFTER THEY SHOT HER - they then blew up the car they were in, killing 20 more innocents. Every day, or at least every week, we hear of another car bomb going off somewhere in the Middle East, killing dozens of people just going to the market and minding their own peaceful business.

With all the atrocities committed by the Nazi's, you've never read of them bombing their own people in Mainz, or Frankfurt, or wherever. And you didn't hear about it because it didn't happen. Same with Japan. Sapporo was never attacked by the Japanese Navy, Kobe never suicide bombed by a kamikaze strung out on too much Saki.

Yes America, we are still at war. The events of the other day clearly emphasizing once again that we cannot roll ourselves into a cocoon of protection and act as if it doesn't affect us. Quite frankly, it can and just may affect us greatly. Pakistan has nukes. The kind of nukes that fly great distances. Pakistan is in chaos. Neither the United States, the United Nations, or great powers like Russia can seem to make any headway with the Pakistani principals calling the shots right now. Bin Laden is in Pakistan, but they won't let us in to look for the sorry bastard. Every waring faction in the middle east is reveling in the death of Bhutto, for her death certainly means more instability in a region that is akin to balancing a 10,000 lb. boulder on the head of a 5-penny nail.

As long as we continue with our own silly rhetoric, with politico's and non-politico's blaming we in our country for the mess that has been the middle east for the last 5,000 years, or hiding beneath the covers with the electric blanket on hoping it will all just go away, we will never be able to face up to the real issue:

We are at war.

It's not the Iraq war and it's not Afghanistan. It's not even the war on terror. It's the turbans and the veils against everybody else, and its long past the time that we should be saying so. Screw political correctness. The Buddhists are not railing against the Catholics. The Mormons are not shooting at the Baptists. The Hindi's are not attacking the Orthodox Greeks, and the Jehovah's Witnesses are not harassing the Harri Krishna's for working the airport.

Get it? No one else is fighting anyone else. It's the Allah Hua Akbar's against the world, and right now the world has no idea it is losing precious ground by the second. Will we wake up in time to save ourselves, or just sit around and watch our daughters beheaded because they have a belly ring?


leelee said...

I've always found it rather amazing the our government recognized Pakistan as an ally. The man who ousted Bhutto in a COUP..not a democratically elected man, pops over to Washington every now and again to shake hands with our President. Hmmmm...there is something wrong with that picture isn't there. But I shouldn't be too surprised...We also gave Saddam guess if you play with the bad boys...bad stuff happens.

I watched a show last night about how easy it is to get a genuine passport on the blackmarket. War on terror? Our safety is still a crap shoot. It won't matter who is sitting in the oval office. It certainly doesn't at this moment in time. I feel no safer now than I did on 9/12.

There are people in the world who do indeed want to destroy everyone who doesn't see it from their POV..and they will literally stop at nothng to achieve that.

I am deeply saddened by the assasination of Bhutto. Pakistan and the region is still in very deep trouble, as are we in this country and I fear that these 6 years in Iraq have not made a dent on what's happening over there.

JL4 said...

It was once said by President Reagan about relationships with other nations: "Don't tell me how they differ from us on domestic issues; tell me if they are with us if and when the big war happens." Such is the nature of international in 2054

Point well made, but we have no choice at times. Ever bought a ticket to a BIG game - the one you just HAD to attend - from a scalper? Yes, you probably have. Would you ever have that same person over to your house for chicken wings and a coupla beers? Hellllll, no!! But you were willing to use him to get you into the Orange Bowl to watch the BCS Championship game....same thing as our interests with Pakistan. Yes, obviously the stakes are lower, but it IS still the same thing.

Feel safe?? Honestly, I never felt safe BEFORE 9-11. We're too large geographically, and we are a democracy, which means independent thought and action is encouraged, therefore people are technically allowed to be stupid and cannot ever be made to adhere to the collective.

In our country, we can't get 10 people to agree whether Dane Cook is funny or offensive; to agree that Elvis Presely actually did die of his own doing from drugs, and that he was sitting on the toilet when it are we going to convince 250 million to take up arms and protect their individual homes from an invasion?

Yup...there are people out there bent on our destruction...millions of them. And it's not the president's fault they are like this; it's not Israel's fault they are like this; it's not Bill Gate's fault they are like this; it's not my fault nor is it your fault; and it's not modern-day society's fault they are like this, either.

It's THEIR fault they are like this, and until we get a grip and realize this is a 100% undeniable fact - these Islamic Extremists are nothing but suicidal, homicidal, totally maniacal retards - we will lose ground each day.

Thanks for the post lee lee

leelee said...

You're welcome, it's cathartic to be able to write a long reply to a well thought out and written post...I never seem to have the time or where-with-all to do it lately.

PS: Never bought tickets from a scalper..I swaer.. lol..but I get your point

Jason said...

I loved the comparison between ticket scalping and our relationship with Pakistan! I believe that your ticket scalper analogy adequately sums up said relationship… and could easily be used in describing several other relationships this country currently maintains.

-Cora said...

I can't add to this~
but I did try...