Sunday, May 03, 2009

60 Minutes

Unfortunately, I'm nearly 52 years old, and I've only known what a Republican and a Democrat...a conservative and a liberal is.....for about 12 years or so. In fairness to me - a lifelong soldier - it didn't really matter. A Democrat was someone who raised my pay, but let anyone with a pulse into the service, making my life a living nightmare while simultaneously financially comfortable, and a Republican was someone who cared little for huge pay advances, but was intensely keen on retirement benefits and combat preparedness, particularly with attention to the types of individuals joining the service. They both had they're positives and negatives, but either way - I had to live with it.

Television...and 60 Minutes... has been there all along.

Given the fact that I knew nothing my entire life, I neither knew nor did I care about the politics of television, especially television news. "Who fucking cared?", was my philosophy, and it suited me fine. But there was something about "60 Minutes"...something covert and hidden to me. I never trusted the so-called "journalism", even when I was young, stupid, and uncaring.

I still don't. "60 Minutes" is full of shit, and I don't even have to watch it to know that.

If you do watch it...fine. I don't fucking care...I'm not you.

Post #1 of "An Impacted Truth". 3 May 2009.

1 comment:

leelee said...

Hey JL4...I sure hope that with the new name of this will FINALLY feel free to really tell us what you think...c'mon more pussyfooting around..

let it out...