Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Yes...there are and will be questions. Yes...there was a two-hour window between shooting incident #1 and #2. Yes...the campus police probably made some human error. And yes...Virginia Tech University and the state of Virginia will pay for this politically and monetarily in the coming months and years.

But why? Why did this happen? Here is my answer, and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself and give your own opinion on your blog. Part of this is in my other blog, askmisterattitude, and there is some new stuff here.

We fly flags of a confederacy long since abolished, and give crap answers as to why we still do it. We have standards for some people that are not standards for others, and we give crap answers for why that is. We have people in this country who say they are men of the cloth, and that they speak for those without the power to speak, but they really want to keep those same multitudes "victims", so those speakers will have some relevance. We place celebrity on a higher plane than good parenting, or just doing good deeds. We complain when things get too tough. We fail to work on our differences through constructive speech, instead harping and sniping from a distance. We respect little in authority, and don't even have the decency to stand still and take our hat off for a song at the beginning of a baseball or football game. We want all this country has to offer with regard to its riches and pleasures, but we want someone else to do the work for us. We complain about our electorate, but we won't stand up and do it ourselves. We take steps to ensure those who want to do the right thing are not allowed to by law. We can't pray in school, say the pledge of allegiance, or wink at a co-worker to let them know we recognize they're there and noticed.

We handcuff our police, then lash out at them when they react incorrectly. We all carry cell phones and camera's to record the slightest misstep, then turn it on them in a flash. We rant and rave when someone says a bad word on one radio station, but the airwaves are full of that bullshit from other mouths up the dial. The coach of the VT football team was interviewed last night, and he stated that he didn't think any of his players were victims. That's just laughable, isn't it? Hey coach, you mean none of your players were over in the Engineering building? Whoda thunk it? The term student-athlete doesn't really apply to football and basketball, but we persist in acting as if it does.

The time has come to stop the fucking charade, but instead of screeching the wheels to a halt, we keep on churning. Rutgers University - yes the very same Rutgers that was sooooooooo insulted last week - had to make the admission last night that they signed a football player with two sexual battery convictions for having sex with his SISTER. And they knew about it and did nothing, because he sure could run fast...oh yeah...he was a great football player. A psychopath socially, but that doesn't matter to Rutgers. Rutgers the "offended".

When we finally get to the point that we realize there are people in this world who want to bring this country down; when we finally get to the point when we realize there are people in THIS COUNTRY who want to bring us down; when we finally get to the point where we realize that we are hindering law enforcement, not helping it; when we finally get to the point where we stop bitching about taking off our sneakers at the airport; when we finally come to realize your kid is failing chemistry because of his own doing, not a teachers; when we finally stop running red lights and killing innocents; when we are finally able to say when someone is wrong or right without being slapped down for having an opinion; when we finally get to the point where we realize freedom of speech is not just for you...or you...or you....or even you...but for everyone - perhaps we'll turn it around.

I'm not holding my breath though. And in the meantime, if you don't agree with this - guess what?

I don't fucking care what you think.

"Here the honourable finds its due and there are tears for passing things; here too things mortal touch the mind"

-Virgil (The Aeneid)


Law Girl said...

Yup. I'd say more but you said it all.

Serena said...

It's sort of like in this society, nothing can be simply what it is any more. Everything has to have hidden motives, flaws, coulda-shoulda-wouldas. After all, if things were black and white, clear and simple, what would the pundits and armchair quarterbacks have to talk about? Poor things.

Campus police may have made some errors in judgment but, under the circumstances, it's hard to fault them too much. As the events unfolded, there was just no way to see two hours into the future and know what to do to head it off.

JL4 said...

Law girl...thanks


Mayden' s Voyage said...

I can't add anything here-
well said.

Unknown said...

I'm with Mayden..nothing to add...


JL4 said...

Thanks all...but it feels weird to take thanks for writting about such a nightmare.

leelee said...


~oops sorry, caps lock on..I don't want to retype it..sorry for yellin'~

Scary Monster said...

It's been bread and circuses for quite a while.

"Guard, protect and cherish your land, for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven."

There are many things that need to earned, respect is one of them.

JL4 said...

Monster...well said