Friday, April 27, 2007


It's time again boys and girls. Time to drop the dribble and get back to the past through our 3rd version of: BEST ALBUM COVERS OF ALL TIME!

Leading off today, and apparently playing for humanity's worst team is Barry Louis Polisar. There may indeed be some truth to the rumor that Barry went on to fame as John Wayne Gacy, but factual evidence is still forthcoming. Let's face it folks...Barry just ain't friggin right. On the right/not right scale, he's pegging out the meter on the not right side.

Next we have Mike Terry...or perhaps it's really Terri Mike. From this photo, it's impossible to tell. Liberace turned down the contract to wear this sparkling piece of clothing because he thought it was too loud. Mike - - or is it Terri? Anyways, we'll go with Mike...sang his hit song, "The estrogen shots are giving me diarrhea" at Glasgow's Pavilion theater to a rousing ovation from all 6 dinner guests.

Ok...brought back from an earlier post, the winner of the 20th Century's creepiest album cover, Freddie Gage sings "All my friends are dead." In noting the "rainbow" logo at the bottom of the album, it isn't much of a stretch to figure out how they all died. Honorable mention award for best use of white, white, and white with black leather slacks.

Mmmmm-hmmmmm, I just bet you do, big guys. Two characteristics of this cover place it in the top 10: 1) Everyone in the photo has blue trousers except the 1st guy, who obviously missed the memo. 2) The dude on the far right failed to properly read the instructions on the Ex-Lax box, and he's in real trouble right now.

Finally, we close today's segment with, "The Many facets of Aaron". Let's see, clockwise from the upper left we can easily note that Aaron can be:
Stupid, again.


Serena said...

LOL. I'm almost sorry I missed those their first time around. Okay, I'm not, perhaps because the estrogen shots DO give me diarrhea. Which is okay. I think I'm doing all right without them.

leelee said...

I can't even take coffee supposed to come out one's nose when viewing this? Damn someone get me a paper towel..YES i SAID NOW!!

Mayden' s Voyage said...

I loved "All my friends are dead"-
that is damn funny!

I wonder who, exactly, he thought would buy his album???