Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mom's (Yes, plural)

I work in a company that is about 90% female. The last 4 days or so, I've received more phone calls, e-mail, and personal encounters, telling me to slow down....take it easy...and of course "slow down while taking it easy". It's as if I have 43 Mom's....but I'm not complaining. They all mean well.

A slight misstep last Wednesday. Had a bit of a balance problem in the early morning, then went to work and had a "mini" episode. According to people who were there, my speech rapidly deteriorated and my cognitive skills disappeared in about 30 minutes. They got me to the emergency room, and after a few days in the hospital, they paroled me.

All is well now. Speech is not labored any more, strength and endurance coming back rapidly.

I am confused why I'm not allowed to run with scissors while in the swimming pool talking with a stranger within an hour of eating. That one has me baffled.

Hopefully, my many mom's will explain that one to me.


leelee said...

Great News..can we assume then you are back at work?? Or still taking it easy at home.

I can tell by the tone of your post that you seem to be on the mend.. as I say..great news...


Law Girl said...

Add me to the list of moms. Don't forget to brush your teeth, and yes you have to eat all your veggies before you get dessert.

Welcome back, we only nag because we missed you!

JL4 said...

So I've been told.


Mayden' s Voyage said...

If you drop the scissors while running in the pool they will get rusty and ruin the strangers bathing suit!