Friday, June 20, 2008

Robber tries to rob convenience store with a palm frond

This unfortunate incident happened yesterday about 8 miles from my house. The would-be robber hoisted a dead, blunt ended palm frond, and wielding it like a spear, repeatedly demanded 50 dolla...50 dolla.

The man's name is Jose Domingo Lopez Maria Sanchez Ramirez something something something, but his friends simply call him "George".

Note that the store owner (who knew him, by the by) just keeps yelling back at him "Get out!"..."Get out!"

In a manner befitting such an act of lunacy, "George" was shooed out of the store by the owner who hoisted a bar stool, using it like a 1930's lion tamer, forcing him out the door. It's the only way I could conceive of this story ending.

For Chet Huntley...I'm JL4 Brinkley.

1 comment:

leelee said...

c'mon now...that guy's just plain nutz!