Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I didn't include a question mark in the title because the word "why" isn't a question, but a statement. And now I'm going to tell you why.

As far as coal is concerned, the U.S. is the Saudi Arabia of coal.

As far as shale is concerned, the U.S. is the Venezuela of shale.

The United States has so much oil in Alaska, the continental United States, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic and Pacific shores, everyone knows we could be independent from foreign oil for hundreds and hundreds of years, plenty of time to develop alternative sources of energy, given that we've only been industrialized for a little more than 100 years. Just look how far we have gone in only the last 50...the last 10...or even the last 5.

I'm getting to the "why", so hold your horses.

In the past 17 months, 7 bills have been introduced to further our exploration, refinement, and use of OUR OWN RESOURCES. In each of the 7 cases, the voting was astonishing. 95% of Republicans voted for, and 95% of Democrats voted against. This is fundamentally impossible, when you think about it. It is so obvious that these votes are the result of childish, petulant, belligerent, spoiled little children that we - that's right, we - have voted into office. There is no way you are going to convince me that these voting statistics are the result of pure chance. No way. These idiots we have in office not only cannot ---- they will not --- cooperate with one and another. I'm a donkey, so I say this! I'm an elephant, and I say that! And who loses?

Middle class America, that's who.

It finally hit me last night why these people are the way they are. They DON'T FEEL IT. Senators make $162,100.00 a year. House members make $150,000.00 a year. They have stipends for housing, fuel, rental cars, food, and whatever else they feel like voting themselves in on. They don't pay for gas. They don't pay for food. We do.

Stipend = taxpayer money.

Four bucks a gallon doesn't hurt when someone else is paying for it. Increased food and serviceable goods prices don't hurt when someone else pays for it. These 435 House members and 100 Senators don't pay for shit, make ridiculous amounts of money to only work about 7 or 8 months a year, so they can afford to take their ball and leave the playground if the other members don't want to play nice. They don't get hurt.

This energy crisis has long ago stopped being about the one-eyed, spotted cape worm of North Dakota, or gay buffalo antelope in Anwar. It has now come down to a juvenile battle of wits, and these delinquents have names like, Pelosi (D), Foley (R), Martinez (R), and Reid (D). Furthermore, they're flunking the 5th grade too, but we're willing to elect them again and allow them to progress to grade 6. It doesn't matter who the principal is when the student body has an average IQ of about 23, and is constantly in the discipline office for misbehaving.

Think about that last sentence for a second. If Jesus Christ were president, but all he had to work with was 535 Judas', he wouldn't have a chance in hell of succeeding....pun intended!


leelee said...

you make a good point and I can understand your frustration. Personally though I would not like to go to MY beach (14 blocks east) and see an oil platform sitting a mile off the coast. But thats just me.

One of the other problems with the bills in the Senate and House is..its not as if the members are voting on one idea or proposal. These bills are so chock full of earmarks and special interests, that the main compnent of the said bill is lost somewhere in between. Those so called "Lawmakers" can NEVER reach an agreement on anything because a simple bill cannot be introduced without a little something for everybody! And you are right..we the middle class ends up losing.

It's ruining this country...as are lobbyists, but thats another rant for another time..

Have a nice day! :-)

JL4 said...

Lower a Senator's pay to $100,000.00. Lower a Congressional reps pay to %75,000.00.

When they fly to and from, the pay for it. No more stipends for anything...no free rentals, no free lodging, they pay for their own gas and food, they pay for EVERYTHING, just like you and I do.

How long do you think it would take them to get together to come up with real solutions to the energy crisis?

5 minutes? 10 minutes, tops?