Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reaching for...?

And so the moment arrives. You're standing there at the crossroads of "why" and "who gives a rats ass".

TV man says something that torques you off. Click.

Radio man says something totally stupid. Push.

You can't find any good music to put on your MP3 because Limewire won't work today. The fact that using Limewire is piracy doesn't bother you. You're pissed at it for not working. Exit.

Somewhere there was a tsunami...and it wasn't your village, so you pass by the story and turn away.

When the top flies off a Korean kettle, we self-indulgently ask why others didn't do what they were supposed to do, conveniently dismissing the fact that we ourselves haven't done squat either. And soon enough, we will shift into ignore mode.

So that's it. Turns out it really isn't about putting your left foot in, taking your left leg out, and shaking it all about.

Evidently, it's all about click, push, turn away, ignore, and exit.

How shallow the waters have become.


Serena said...

it's all about click, push, turn away, ignore, and exit.

I'm doing all those things (and more) today. Hopefully, not when it comes to the things that matter, though. If I ignored/exited/etc. where it's important that I do no such thing, I'd deserve a good swift kick in the butt.

leelee said... work on events and happenings in your life. Or you work on making yourself an instrument of change in your circumference of truth...again..I ask....what can I do today to make the world a better place? There are so many things we can do each day. Acknowledging someones effort or hard work either at home or on the job. Hold the door open for someone, or smile at a stranger..perhaps if we all took a little responsibility for the space in which we occupy and what eminates from will have a ripple effect on a greater scale..

or we could...

click, push, turn away, ignore, and exit

leelee said...

You've been tagged:

Law Girl said...

Huah? What? Click...

I was actually having this debate with a friend of mine today. The premise: What in the hell happened that 33 people could get shot without someone bodyslamming this guy to the floor.

You have answered the question my friend. The societal pervasiveness of "someone elses' problem...not mine".

JL4 said...

Serena, you're right got it right, the trick is to get the other 300,000,000 to get it as well.

Lawgirl...yes ma'am...nowhere near enough people willing to sacrifice for others any more. Firemen, police, and army guys. After that, the list thins dramatically.

leelee said...

Oh JL4..I gave up long ago trying to get ANYBODY to do anything..I can only guarantee my own actions..I'll continue to lead by example. :-)

JL4 said...

Leelee...the best thing we all can do at this point

Serena said...

You've been tagged.

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