Friday, April 11, 2008


1) I am framed in front by large Greek-style columns, and you can see me seated behind them. Who am I? LINCOLN MEMORIAL

2) I was once considered "the most trusted man in America". Who am I? WALTER CRONKITE

3. I am the largest monument in the world, but I am incomplete. Who am I? CRAZY HORSE

4. My constant companions live their lives in terms of "21". "21" steps..."21" seconds, etc. Who am I? THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER

5. My flip side would have you buffaloed. Who am I? A NICKEL

6. I have 26 rings, and even more flags and banners. Who am I? THE %^%#@ YANKEES

7. I once said, "I am older than most, and slightly older than my teeth". Who am I? SANTA

8. I believe that every good boy deserves a favor. Who am I? THE MUSICAL SCALES/NOTES

9. I was declared by a newspaper to be the loser, when actually I was the winner. Who am I? HARRY S. TRUMAN

10. I change when I'm blue, excited, angry, or mellow. Who am I? A MOOD RING

11. I once said, "I never met a man I didn't like." Who am I? WILL ROGERS

12. I said, "These are the times that try men's souls". Who am I? THOMAS PAINE

13. I'm taller than anything else in the United States, and I'm not a building. Who am I? MT. McKINLEY

14. "Is this heaven?" "No...It's Iowa." Who are the two people talking? Ray and his father / Ray and Shoeless Joe Jackson in "Field of Dreams"

15. "He's not dead-dead...he's just almost-dead. Only one thing you can do if he's dead-dead." "What's that?" "Check his pocket's for loose change." Who are THESE two talking? MAX THE MIRACLE WORKER AND INIGO MONTOYA

16. I sang the song, "Two outta three ain't bad" Who am I? MEATLOAF

17. I was a famous WWII Air Corps fighter, who gave his life by luring the enemy planes away from my comrades, allowing them to escape...while I was never found. They named a Huuuuuuge airport after me. Last name is sufficient...who am I? O'HARE

18. I am semi-circular in appearance, and I'm situated on the lawn of the part of Washington DC known as "The Mall". My designer was a talented Vietnamese artist. Who am I? VIETNAM MEMORIAL

19. I am the true life story of a major U.S. ship that was sunk by the Japanese, and immortalized in the movie "Jaws" in a story of sharks eating live human beings floating in the Pacific. Which boat am I? USS INDIANAPOLIS

20. I was built in France, yet assembled here. Who am I? STATUE OF LIBERTY


leelee said...

I think we all did pretty well. Sean would have cleaned it all up.

Thanks again JL4 those were fun.

Law Girl said...

Dang it...I missed a couple.

Where is Sean anyway?

leelee said...

Didn't you hear LG? He's in Afghanistan.. ;-)

JL4 said...

Everyone did a great job.

I had fun thinking up the questions as well.

Sean is probably goofing off...saving the planet...simplistic shit like that.

Law Girl said...
