Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Random synapse firing

  • Am I alone in thinking Senator Clinton will still be claiming in June of 2009 the primary is still on?
  • Did you know Barack Obama's given name was Barry? He changed it when he was in elementary school in Indonesia, in an effort to become more popular.
  • Exit polls are worthless. I've been exit polled twice in the last 20 years, and I lied both times. I can't imagine I'm the only one who has done that. Oh...why did I lie? It was none of their business who or what I voted for.
  • If you take a Flomax and a Cialis at the same time, will you pee for 4 straight hours?
  • I watched a dramatization of a person who was having unexplained strokes, and I knew what each doctor was thinking and going to say before they did. Unfortunately, I shouldn't know that....but I do.
  • I can understand why someone would rob a bank. I can even understand why they would want to be armed to do so. What I will never understand is the utter hatred a person must posses to shoot an obviously pregnant bank teller in the stomach. I hope when the police corner him, he resists. I really do.
  • Have you ever noticed that car dealerships and furniture outlets always have THE GREATEST SALE EVER, and invariably it is predicated on some dire circumstance: THE HOME OFFICE SAYS EVERYTHING HAS TO GO....EVERYTHING!! Ok...I'll take two of those 6 series Mercedes off your hands if it makes you happy.
  • Speaking of Cialis - and the resulting phone call they say you should make to your doctor - how exactly would that one go? "Hey doc. It's been...like...6 hours now." Doctor: "Its not polite to brag, you know."
  • Someone once asked me why I don't have a site blog counter meter, or sidebar things on my blog. My response? I have no idea how to do any of those things. Seriously.
  • I've always been a believer that whenever humans try to solve nature's problems, more problems will occur (Ref: Killer Bees being moved from Africa, for one thing). Mother Nature is a lot smarter than we are, you know. In any case, for about a year now, I've wondered if our knee-jerk emergency reaction to Global Warming was going to have its own set of issues. Apparently the lack of corn world-wide as a food source is becoming the first negative result. Farmers are sending an additional 11% of their corn crops - formerly designated for food - off to Ethanol refineries. Additionally, enterprising farmers world-wide are converting wheat, soy, rice, and other crops to corn for the same reason. There is money in it for them, and money in it for others as well. So much for "Going Green" being about saving the planet. It's becoming about making as much jing as you can; as fast as you can. Look at all the advertising. Everyone from flooring manufacturers to new home builders to toilet paper manufacturers are claiming their products are green. Pleeeeeeaaaase!!!!!!!!! Spare me the bullshit.


Law Girl said...

Yup. Your random synapse firing is not so random I think.

JL4 said...

Awww...you caught me