Friday, March 14, 2008


Islamic leaders from something like 67 nations are having a summit, where they have been talking about taking legal action against parties who defame and humiliate the Islamic Religion regarding acts and fabrications of the truth. "Muslims are being targeted by a campaign of defamation, denigration, stereotyping, intolerance and discrimination," charged Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the secretary general of the group.

Of course they have. Just over 200 hijackings of aircraft throughout the world since the late 1960's was and still is, obviously the work of the Buddhists.

The western European world, particularly places like Germany and France with their Calvinistic religious cults have spent entire millenia thwarting the rights and freedoms of it's women, forcing them to wear head to toe garb, and never make co-gender eye contact.

The car bomb was surely invented by the Hindi, not anyone else.

The gassing of the Kurds? Shinto.

The Munich Olympics? Baptists.

The Achille Laurel cruise liner incident? Mormons.

Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated by one of the world's foremost impressionists: Pope Pius II, disguised as a Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan.

And the biggest one...the WTC/Pentagon/Pennsylvania Corn Field? Presbyterians for crying out loud !!!

Islamophobia is right. Every religion in the world is going absolutely bonkers, and the poor Muslims are being blamed for all of it.

It's a damn shame everyone else can't be calm and level headed as they are. The world would be a much safer place if we could be.

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