Monday, May 12, 2008

Inconveniently inconvenient

I voted for current President George Bush twice. He is often made fun of for his language goofs. NEVER made fun of is the man he beat in 2000, Nobel Peace Prize and Academy Award winning Albert Gore, the presidential candidate who became only the second candidate in 200 years to fail to win his own state.

Perhaps the people of Tennessee knew more than we did?

Upon arrival in Monticello while campaigning: "And who is this bust of?" It was of course, a bust of Thomas Jefferson, since Monticello was his home.

"It's a shame when a woman has to wait a month or so to get a ....errrrr....what's it called? A sonogram on her breasts?" Mr Candidate was attending a breast cancer fund raiser.

"When my sister and I were growing up, there was no doubt that men and women were equal...if not more so." Huh?

Stumping in Milwaukee, WI - "I'm very familiar with the importance of dairy farming in Wisconsin. I've spent the night on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin. If I'm entrusted with the presidency, you'll have someone who is very familiar with what the Wisconsin dairy industry is all about." Wow...I've had 3 major strokes and spent I-can't-remember how many days in hospital beds, but that doesn't make me a neurologist.

"Speaking from my own religious tradition in this Christmas season, 2,000 years ago a homeless woman gave birth to a homeless child in a manger because the inn was full." Cool. First he invents the internet, then he re-writes the Bible, penciling in Mary and Joseph as homeless people. Did they push around their very own shopping cart, too?

"I certainly learned a great deal from 3,000 town hall meetings across my home state of Tennessee over a 16-year period" in Congress, the vice president told NPR’s Bob Edwards. Do the math. That would be a town hall meeting every other day, weekends and holidays included, for his 16 years in the service of Tennessee. And let's not even go to the fact that the people of Tennessee were always complaining he was never there.

This is the man spearheading the drive to save the Eskimo's from igloo's....errrrrr....I mean save the Eskimo's pies....or something like that. His movie, "Michael Moore's Inconvenient Midsection" won him an Oscar in the category, "Funniest film not involving Ernest going somewhere."

How come his gaffe's were/are never splashed across the news like our current English-challenged head honcho?



leelee said...

The weird thing come Bush's were and he STILL got elected twice?????..hmmmmmmmm



JL4 said...

Look who he ran against...It's not weird at all.

leelee said...
