I started reading Stephen King when I was a young soldier at Ft. Riley, KS. My first novel was his second...."Salem's Lot". Eventually, I joined his book club which sent me hard bound copies of each of his novels, and I read every one of them.
Yesterday, May 5th 2008, he was speaking at the Library of Congress and said the following: "...the fact is if you can read, you can walk into a job later on. If you don't, then you've got, the Army, Iraq"
Since then, Mr. King has been so swamped with Americans disgusted with his comments that he had to shut down his website. But before doing so, he issued this non-committal statement:
"That right-wing-bloggers would impugn my patriotism because I said children should learn to read, and could get better jobs by doing so, is beneath contempt. I guess they feel ignorance and illiteracy are OK when the country needs cannon-fodder. I guess they also feel that the war in Iraq has nationwide approval. Well, it doesn’t have mine. It is a waste of national resources. . . and that includes the youth and blood of the 4,000 American troops who have lost their lives there and for the tens of thousands who have been wounded. I live in a national guard town, and I support our troops, but I don’t support either the war or educational policies that limit the options of young men and women to any one career—military or otherwise."
Mr. King is trying to claim he doesn't understand why people are mad at him, which is 100% bullshit. That's why his statement was his opinion about the Iraq war and our educational system, not a retraction of his deplorable statement about the military. As a matter of fact, he never even addressed what the whole flap is all about!!!
Why is it American's like him, John Kerry, and several other prominent political and social personalities feel it's their God-given right to take unsolicited pot-shots at the men and women of our Armed Forces? Even Keith Olbermann, one of the most liberal President-Bush-hating, Iraq-war-hating television people in this country, never takes a shot at the soldiers and the marines. He doesn't because he knows to do so would be to submerge himself below contempt, and he has enough dignity and intelligence to avoid such a stupid pratfall. Mr. King isn't worth the time it took to type this blog, to be quite honest. I wish I had never purchased a single book from him, especially since obviously I can't read anyways.
Hey, I have an idea!
Let's all go on TV and start publicly hacking on kids in wheelchairs, fireman who die in burning warehouses, single moms who have to work 3 jobs, and poor welfare recipients who would rather not be. Wouldn't that be funny? And we could do it because we have the First Amendment to back us up.
And who is it that has allowed the First Amendment to exist for over 200 years?
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I was raised in a college town and had the misfortune to attend high school with a lot of wealthy kids (of which I was not one) and we were told by most of the adults in our lives that "smart" kids went to college and "the rest" had the military to fall back on. Thank God I've come to understand that the military is not "what's left over" but a fine job/career for men and women who VOLUNTEER to protect the freedoms of the rest of us, no matter what stupid things are said under the protection of the 1st Amendment.
I can't even tell you how much I miss you>> a better friend there never was...listened to James Tayler tonight...and thought of you....
" Now the First of December was covered with snow
And so was the Turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston
Lord, the Berkshires seemed dream-like on account of that frostin'
With ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go "
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